Unfortunately, we will need to wait another year before we can be together on the lawn. We hope that you have a great rest of 2021 and we are looking forward to sharing an evening on the lawn with you in 2022.
For over 45 years, the Duxbury Lawn Party has been the JHC’s traditional summer kick-off event. By celebrating on the lawn, the Jordan Hospital Club raises money to fund many programs at the hospital, including teddy bears for young emergency room patients and nursing scholarships.
Everyone is welcome to attend, and guests are encouraged to make a donation to The Club. Just grab your favorite sundress and enjoy the views while mingling with friends and family.
This event is supported by our very generous sponsors. Without their charitable donations, we would not be able to accomplish all the wonderful things we do and give back to the community we all dearly love and support.
We’d like to thank our latest sponsors.
Event Hosts: John & Katie Rudicus
Event Underwriter: Stifel Financial
Event Sponsors:
Pioppi’s Liquors/Peter Balboni
Winsor House/Ed Quinones
Duxbury Oysters/Kevin & Haley Thompson