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Lawn Party

For almost 50 years, the Duxbury Lawn Party has been the JHC’s traditional summer kick-off event. As always, the Jordan Hospital Club raises money to fund many programs at the hospital, including teddy bears for young emergency room patients and nursing scholarships.

We hope that you can join us on Friday, June 14th, as we return to the lawn of John & Katie Rudicus of King Caesar Road.

Everyone is welcome to attend, and guests are encouraged to make a donation to The Club. Just grab your favorite sundress and enjoy the views while mingling with friends and family.  

We are requesting monetary donations to help offset the cost of appetizers for the event - need to stay covid safe! Contributions for appetizers can be made through the JHC business Venmo account at @jhc1620 or by donating below.

Donation to JHC in lieu of ticket
Monetary Food Contribution

This event is supported by our very generous sponsors. Without their charitable donations, we would not be able to accomplish all the wonderful things we do and give back to the community we all dearly love and support.

We’d like to thank our 2024 sponsors.

Event Hosts: John & Katie Rudicus

Event Underwriter: Stifel Financial

Event Sponsor:
Duxbury Oysters/Kevin & Haley Thompson

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